It’s very easy to update / upgrade your version of PHP in XAMPP without needing to re-download XAMPP again or Apache. DO NOT listen to anyone who says you have to re-download xampp for it to work. If you know what you’re doing and feel that you must re-download XAMPP,
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How To Update PHP Version In XAMPP Without Re-downloading XAMPP
Warning: Parameter 2 to function() expected to be a reference, value given in File.php
I recently moved from shared hosting to cloud hosting servers where I had installed newer versions of most of the server software, Apache, PHP, MySQL. After I moved my websites to the new servers, I was not surprised that I received a good number of access errors and that some
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Netflix Offline Downloads & Expiry Dates Explained
Does Renewing Expired Downloads on Netflix Use Data? You can rest easy. Although the “Renew download” feature does not re-download the entire content again, thankfully, but it in fact uses data to check your subscription status on the Netflix servers and downloads a new license object file which is only a
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