When BlackBerry rolled out its messaging service BBM for Android and iOS devices, it was only available to Android phones running at least the 4.0 version (Ice Cream Sandwich) of the operating system. This meant that Android phones running Honeycomb (3.0 – 3.26), Gingerbread (2.3 – 2.3.7), Froyo (2.2 – 2.2.3), Eclair (2.0 – 2.1), Donut (1.6) and Cupcake (1.5) were left out of the BBM fun.
That has changed now as BlackBerry has decided to expand its BBM user base by opening the messaging service to other Android devices on Gingerbread and Honeycomb.
If you have an Android phone on either Gingerbread or Honeycomb, visit the Google Play Store from your phone to download BBM, or visit www.bbm.com from your browser.
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