Fix Netflix Error Code nw-2-5 on PS3, PS4, X-Box

The Netflix error nw-2-5 is commonly experienced by people trying to access Netflix on a Playstation console (PS3 or PS4), X-Box, or a smart tv. There’s nothing as annoying as getting the netflix error nw-2-5 while trying to stream movies on your ps3 or ps4 console. But hopefully, after this guide, your troubles will be gone forever.

It’s pretty easy to get rid of the netflix error code nw-2-5 on your Playstation console and get back into netflix. Let me show you how.

What Does Netflix Error nw-2-5 Mean?

Well, nw-2-5 is just one of the numerous error codes assigned by netflix to identify specific problems so they can study and keep track of them. The first two digits stands for network, so when you come across a similar error you know it hs something to do with your network connection.

How To Fix Netflix Error nw-2-5 on PS3, PS4 and XBox

Alright, now we know that this has something to do with our network connection, we know where to start troubleshooting.

To fix the netflix error nw-2-5, you have to power cycle your Router and PS3 or PS4 console.

Power Cycle Your Router
1. First, unplug your router from the console (if it’s a wired connection), then turn off the router or internet connection.

2. Plug it back in, then turn the router back on. Try accessing Netflix to see if it’s gone. If it is, please leave a comment. If it isn’t, try power cycling your PS3 or PS4 console.

Power Cycle Your Playstation console

1. Turn it off, then unplug the chord from the power outlet.

2. Unplug the PS3 chords from the TV.

3. Now plug your ps3 or ps4 chord back to the socket, and console chords back to the tv.

4. Now turn on the Playstation console and try to stream media on Netflix. The error nw-2-5 will be gone forever.

Please let us know if this fix worked for you. Thank you.

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