How To Turn Off iPhone Camera Shutter Sound – iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch

Multiple ways to turn off iPhone camera shutter sound is described in this straight forward guide
If you are one of the many people who would like to turn off the iPhone camera shutter sound which annoys a lot of people, then you are in the right place.
Technically, there’s no regular setting on the iPhone to disable this camera shutter sound. Some people claim Apple has made it a legal requirement on the iPhone to avoid people taking sneaky photos of other people without their knowledge. Funny that. Funny how Apple imposed a legal law against jailbreaking iPhones. Funny how Apple thinks they still own your iPhone even after you pay for it with your own money. It’s mine! I paid for it in FULL and I can do whatever I want with it, and what I want to do right now is remove this silly camera shutter sound.
Some people have suggested putting a finger over the speaker area while taking pictures with your iPhone. That isn’t 100% effective, and the iPhone Monk does not like ineffective things. In this article, I am going to show you the best way to take care of this camera sound.
Best Way To Disable The iPhone Camera Shutter Sound
When you take a photo with your iPhone, what happens there is that the Apple iOS calls a file described as photoShutter.caf and then plays the sound file.
So, if we can either delete or rename this file, then the iPhone iOS would not be able to find this file at all and you can take photos without the shutter sound.
Step 1: You will need a file tweaking app like iFile or iExplorer to do this. So, get one of those, then move on to step 2.
Step 2: From the file editing app you downloaded earlier, navigate to System/Library/Audio/UISounds/
Step 3: In this directory, you will find a file called photoShutter.caf. RENAME this file to anything you wish (something like photoShutterOFF.caf).
Step 4: Exit the iFile app and try taking a photo with your iPhone. No sound.
NOTE: To re-enable the iPhone camera shutter sound, simply rename the file back to its original name… photoShutter.caf
TIP: You could even use another camera sound if you wanted to. To do this, just replace the photoShutter.caf file with the audio file of your choice, BUT, this file must be the exact same file type of the original file and it must have the exact same name and file extension of the original file. That is, your file must be a .caf file and it must have the name photoShutter.caf. Also, the audio sound should be short enough to be a camera shutter sound. Imagine using a whole music track as a camera shutter sound…  sounds like a nice trick to play on a friend.
How To Disable The Camera Shutter Sound With a JailBreak App
If you own a jailbroken iPhone, there are several apps on Cydia which would mute the iPhone camera sound and screen shot sound. You can get apps like SnapTap and Silent Photo Chill.
Fastest Way To Temporarily Disable The Shutter Sound on an iPhone
Use This method if you wish to disable the camera sound temporarily for the time being.
Sometime ago, a friend pointed out that turning down the music volume completely would also turn off the camera sound as well. This works. Just go into iTunes, start playing a song, then turn down the music volume to zero.
NOTE: Turning the music volume back up would also turn up the camera shutter sound as well.
Have fun snapping. 🙂 

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