Icealex Hub Students Build Air Quality Monitoring Kit in Egypt

Air Pollution in Egypt

Egypt, in terms of particulate matter is one of the most polluted countries in the world; and according to a recent report by WHO, the daily share of pollution for a person living in Cairo is equivalent to smoking one pack of cigarettes a day.

This motivated a group of students from Alexandria Egypt to build a measuring kit which can measure the amount of pollution in air.

Icealex Team Working

The group of innovative minds collectively known as Icealex Hub consists of young and passionate students from Alexandria.

The measuring tool kit was built on Arduino and features temperature, humidity and gas sensors which measures and records the quality of the surrounding atmosphere. The result of the test is displayed on a PC screen which the kit is connected to.

The Air Monitoring Toolkit

The aim of the Icealex team with this project is to identify and understand the biggest pollution sources and patterns and then work out strategies for individual protection. They also plan to make the device easily available and affordable to local communities.

Icealex Hub was formed in September 2011 with a mission to – “Provide an enabling ecosystem for action-oriented minds co-creating sustainable solutions for local challenges.”


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