Valeo Park4U Remote Control App for iPhone Lets You Park Your Car

Park4U by Valeo is an iPhone app that allows you to park your car with an iPhone. The
Park 4 U app turns your iPhone into a car remote control that lets you accelerate and
Brake using the Valeo car technology. Valeo, an automotive equipment maker
demonstarted the use of this app at an International motor show in Frankfurt.

The Park4U app uses the Valeo Park4U technology that can be found in a number of car
types including: Ford, Lincoln, Audi and Volkswagen which utilises various sensors
around the car and its steering wheel to move the car to and fro and into a desired
parking position.

A representative of Valeo stood outside a Volkswagen Sharan car and moved it into a
parking position just by using an iPhone app. The car, going in reverse, turned its
wheel to slot into a narrow perpendicular parking spot between two other cars. cool.

It is not confirmed when the Park4U app will be available to the public or in the
Apple AppStore but we hope it is released pretty soon.
The iPhone is undoubtedly one of the most dynamic smartphone available in the market,
housing sensors and hardware that work together with apps which make the iPhone a very
handy everyday tool.

Do you think this app is cool? Share your thoughts below.

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